Heavenly Nightmares is an intense and deeply emotional musical experience about love, loss, death, grief, and mortality. It is haunting and vulnerable, exploring themes of isolation, terror, and hopelessness. Despite the heavy subject matter, the album tells a story of resilience and healing. Heavenly Nightmares is brilliantly tragic, theatrical, and highly transformative with a strong message of acceptance through tragedy.

Heavenly Nightmares began as an illustration, which later, has become a concept. The title is inspired by the illustration as the words, "nightmare fuel," come to mind and resonate with the image, but the decision to steer away from complete darkness, is the reason behind the halo and the concept of resolution at the end of the story.
All text is handwritten though "heavenly" references an already existing typeface.
Purple symbolizes creativity, fantasy, and mysticism.

Vinyl Interior Label

Programs: Adobe Photoshop, Procreate